Storytelling Training

National Trust
Award laurel


In 2014, as the National Trust prepared to launch their new website, they needed fresh and engaging content to showcase online. Recognising the wealth of fascinating experiences within their team, the Trust wanted to empower their staff and volunteers to share their own stories. However, this diverse group of property managers, programming officers, and visitor guides required training and support in creating captivating online content.

And so, Catsnake was commissioned to provide storytelling training, sparking a five-year partnership with the National Trust.


To enable the National Trust team to craft compelling content, Catsnake designed a nationwide, multi-year training programme that covered storytelling theory, as well as practical tips and techniques. The full-day workshops were dynamic, enjoyable and accessible to everyone within the organisation – from marketing professionals to area rangers, all team members were encouraged to discover and develop their storytelling skills.

Participants were able to immediately apply their newfound knowledge by drafting a piece of online content during the workshop. Catsnake then provided personalised feedback to each individual, resulting in many of the revised articles being featured on the National Trust website.

The results

Daniel Dodd

Director of Communications & Content
National Trust

"We have been running a programme of content training in the National Trust for five years. Catsnake’s presentation on storytelling is always a highlight for the delegates. They love the combination of expert theory and practical guidance, backed up by superb videos that make you laugh and cry. Our ability to tell our wonderful, authentic stories through our own content is central to the success of our communications strategy, Catsnake have been helping us achieve that."